Kaplice Production and Service Center

Výroba železného koně KAPSEN v Kaplici

The company REPAROSERVIS spol. s r. o. has a service base in Kaplice in South Bohemia and a mobile service department that provides repairs and servicing of forestry machines throughout the Czech Republic and abroad. We are currently finalizing the renovation of the center in Kaplice to improve working conditions for machine repair and at the same time expanding the space for our spare parts warehouse.

We offer our customers a wide portfolio of services:

  • repair and service of forestry equipment
  • repair and service of woodworking equipment
  • repair and production of hydraulic hoses
  • repair and production of hydraulic cylinders and pistons
  • mobile renovation of journal bearings using BIMOTOR equipment
  • car and forestry equipment washing
  • chain grinding for JMP and HT
  • production of the iron horse KAPSEN
  • spare parts and accessories warehouse

We will be very happy to welcome you to Kaplice at the address: SNP 278, 382 41 Kaplice

Contact: Zdeněk Jílek, phone: +420 606 687 029, e-mail: jilek@lesni-technika.cz