Machines from the German company Albach Maschinenbau are well-known by high quality, reliability and long life.
Mobile chippers allow you to chip timber residues directly in the field or at the hauling site. Since 2019, the Albach company has been cooperating with the Swiss manufacturer of mobile wood chippers Wüst Hacker. The Wüst brand means high-quality and robust Swiss quality of wood chippers
Felling crane Fällbach
The felling crane from ALBACH − a superior partner in tree fellingThe felling crane from ALBACH − a superior partner in tree felling.
Mobile Chipper SMC-812
The SMC-812 chipping unit stands for highest chipping performance paired with a versatile range of applications and a compact design.
Mobile Chipper DIAMANT 2000
One of the most powerful all-road self-propelled chipper. The machine convinces by best chopping quality, off-road capability and durability.