
New hydraulic crane RK220 for harvester ROTTNE H11E

The manufacturer ROTTNE INDUSTRI AB has developed a new hydraulic arm RK220 for the ROTTNE H11E medium harvester.

Kaplice Production and Service Center

The company REPAROSERVIS spol. s r. o. has a service base in Kaplice in South Bohemia and a mobile service…

WÜST mobile chippers

In October and November, 2 WÜST 812 machines were handed over to our customer EP Resources CZ a.s. The Wüst…

Alliance tyre sale

Take advantage of the advantageous price offers on ALLIANCE forestry tyres.

Service technician training – ALBACH chippers

A training session for our service technicians took place at the production plant of ALBACH MASCHINENBAU AG in Langquaid (Germany)…

2 KAPSEN machines for immediate delivery

We have good news for all those interested in the iron horse KAPSEN. Thanks to the non-removal of 2 units…